farandole / ˈfær ənˌdoʊl; French fa rɑ̃ˈdɔl /


farandole 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural far·an·doles [far-uhn-dohlz; French fa-rahn-dawl]. /ˈfær ənˌdoʊlz; French fa rɑ̃ˈdɔl/.

  1. a lively dance, of Provençal origin, in which all the dancers join hands and execute various figures.
  2. the music for this dance.


  1. As in the dance called the farandole, where a number of people join bands and dance in a long line.
  2. Suddenly a long dancing line formed, a farandole, and it began to run and leap, growing at each twist and turn.
  3. Marie Antoinette once declared she had her most enjoyable time at a wild farandole in the Royal Drummer.
  4. When this rite was ended, the music shifted to a livelier key and straightway a farandole was formed.
  5. It took the place of a master of ceremonies, our farandole, and acted as an excellent solvent of formalities.