fanzine / fænˈzin, ˈfæn zin /


fanzine 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a magazine or other periodical produced inexpensively by and for fans of science fiction and fantasy writing, comic books, popular music, or other specialized popular interests.


  1. Because they were created and distributed by fans, most of whom did not have professional editorial experience, fanzines struggled to sell advertisements.
  2. Circle members might travel for hours to attend “lay-around” gatherings, where they would socialize, read fanzines and create norms to guide the community they were building together.
  3. I bought Tarzan comic books, and even had a few issues of ERB-dom, a mimeographed fanzine devoted to the works of Burroughs.
  4. In 1987, a fanzine began circulating called The Betty Pages, which shared stories from her life.
  5. So, I started writing to this girl Tobi Vail who had a fanzine called Jigsaw, and she was very supportive.
  6. I cannot countenance any more breathless, fanzine-style chronicling of her attire.