fanfaronade / ˈfæn fər əˈneɪd /


fanfaronade 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. bragging; bravado; bluster.

fanfaronade 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. This was the derisive answer that Clarissa made to this fanfaronade of old Joshua.
  2. Jessie had heard all this fanfaronade, and much more from Mrs. Baxter, but she was not thinking of it now.
  3. He loves bright colours, he easily becomes audacious, overcrowing, full of fanfaronade.
  4. He had now spread himself out on the back seat, his two arms on the sides of the boat, and was showing off with fanfaronade.
  5. There was, no doubt, in the movement a good deal of claret and fanfaronade.