falx / fælks, fɔlks /


falx 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural fal·ces [fal-seez, fawl-]. /ˈfæl siz, ˈfɔl-/. Anatomy.

  1. a structure shaped like a sickle, as a fold of dura mater separating the cerebral hemispheres.


  1. From this septum is formed the falx cerebri and other parts.
  2. It is divided into two hemispheres by the falx cerebri, a partition which follows the middle line of the skull.
  3. It seems possibly to be the Latinized form of the Teutonic Falk, though falx is commonly accounted its root.
  4. Into this cleft dips a portion of the dura mater, called the falx cer´e-bri, from its resembling a sickle.
  5. Qu (trabes) aut adunco prfigitur ferro, et falx vocatur ab eo quod incurva est, ut de muro extrahat lapides.