falconer / ˈfɔl kə nər, ˈfæl-, ˈfɔ kə- /


falconer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who hunts with falcons or follows the sport of hawking.
  2. a person who trains hawks for hunting.

falconer 近义词


等同于 hunter


  1. Part of being a falconer is trapping juvenile birds, up to 90 percent of which won’t make it through their first winter in the wild, Stotts said.
  2. Francis Falconer, who died at Petersfield about 1874, drove the day “Rocket” all the time it ran.
  3. So we parted hence and went home with Mr. Falconer, who did give us cherrys and good wine.
  4. Falconer, having prepared the greater part of the work for the press, died in 1792.
  5. Dr Hugh Falconer with the assistance of a committee of geologists excavated it.
  6. A compatriot of his, Edmund Falconer, like himself an actor as well as an author, had opened the way for him.