pertaining to or noting facilities built into a system, as in an automobile or a computer, for continuing operations on an interim basis and probably with reduced efficiency, if parts of the system fail.
The Big Five banks dubbed too big to fail, are 35 percent bigger than they were when the meltdown was triggered.
There were stomachs, taut and flat, but also undulating bellies, soft and bloated from the breakfast buffet.
Diets not only fail to make us thinner, they also fail to make us healthier in the long term.
Direct funds away from practices, policies, and programs that consistently fail to achieve measurable outcomes.
Francis is well into his seventies, looks it, has a mild demeanor and soft speaking style; but his rhetoric is electrifying.
And once more, she found herself desiring to be like Janet--not only in appearance, but in soft manner and tone.
A few small rocks of some soft stone may be added, and in between these the Ferns are planted.
His face flushed with annoyance, and taking off his soft hat he began to beat it impatiently against his leg as he walked.
The delicious soft rains set in early, promising a good grain year.
It would make everyone careful, of course, but I fail to see any grievance in that.