extracurricular / ˌɛk strə kəˈrɪk yə lər /


extracurricular 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. outside the regular curriculum or program of courses: football, orchestra, and other extracurricular activities.
  2. outside one's regular work, responsibilities, or routine.
  3. Informal. outside the conventional bounds of propriety or ethics: Does his wife know he has an extracurricular girlfriend?

extracurricular 近义词


等同于 adulterous

extracurricular 的近义词 9
extracurricular 的反义词 4


  1. She’s socially savvy, the product of years of extracurriculars and team sports.
  2. That meant being a teacher, a disciplinarian, a mental health counselor and an extracurricular-activities director on top of her sales job.
  3. Not only are many public school districts canceling in-person classes this fall, but many extracurriculars like sports or theater programs are also canceled, so there’s little tying students to their local schools.
  4. This fall, the company is expanding that concept to “Synchrony after school,” similar virtual after-school programs for children, including homework help and extracurricular activities.
  5. Maybe companies, with a new imperative of survival in a shellshocked economy, would cut any “extracurricular” efforts like battling racial or economic inequality or helping save the planet.
  6. “How it is” includes his grades, getting him to practices, games, summer tournaments, and any and all extracurricular activities.
  7. Dennis Rodman may have had some extracurricular activities on his schedule the last time he visited North Korea.
  8. Reporter Alex Klein got him talking about the future of the gaming industry, and his extracurricular adventures.
  9. The school also sets itself apart by offering numerous extracurricular activities, including prayer and religious tutoring.
  10. Other teachers disapproved of her for not participating in their extracurricular Gülen meetings, she told me.
  11. There's a certain extracurricular idea coming up from the subconscious like a tidal wave.
  12. My extracurricular research consumed the better part of my evenings.
  13. The first night they met in the control room to divide the many extracurricular jobs involved in maintaining a patrol ship.
  14. Thus it was that a very large part of the activities of the teachers were what we call "extracurricular."
  15. But he didn't like the idea of any extracurricular work, especially with other Gods.