extenuating / ɪkˈstɛn yuˌeɪ tɪŋ /


extenuating 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. serving to make a fault, offense, etc., appear less serious: The judge gave him a comparatively mild sentence due to extenuating circumstances.

extenuating 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

serving as an excuse


  1. Above all, she had true vision of Stephen Arnold, glorifying nowhere, extenuating nothing.
  2. The inquiry naturally occurs, Are there no extenuating circumstances to be adduced on the part of the Japanese?
  3. I will gladly hear any extenuating circumstances that you may give, for I am loth to believe that you are guilty of treachery.
  4. Ralph attempted no apology, or excused himself by extenuating circumstances.
  5. He alone can judge how far the cruelty of Mr. Elliot was the outcome of extenuating circumstances.