expressiveness / ɪkˈsprɛs ɪv /


expressiveness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. full of expression; meaningful: an expressive shrug.
  2. serving to express; indicative of power to express: a look expressive of gratitude.
  3. of, relating to, or concerned with expression: Dance is a highly expressive art.
  4. Sociology. engaging in nonpurposeful activity of an expressive and often rhythmic nature, as weeping, dancing, or shouting.Compare active, orgiastic.
  5. Linguistics. of or relating to forms in which sounds denote a semantic field directly and nonarbitrarily, through sound symbolism based, to some degree, on synesthesia, as observable in onomatopoeia, rhyming and gradational compounds, and emotionally charged words such as hypocoristics and pejoratives.

expressiveness 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Compared to other types of records and expressive mediums, the internet is ephemeral.
  2. The women Toulouse-Lautrec painted step out of the paintings to the surprise of the painter, conceived as an expressive puppet designed by James Ortiz and worked by company member Ryan Lisa.
  3. Everything here is less than $200, a reflection of Madcap’s strong belief that “good design need not be expensive, only expressive,” Loecke says.
  4. If big, expressive eyes can indicate the smacking of lips, these do.
  5. With fair skin boosting the expressiveness of her big blue eyes, Kazan resembles a slightly more cherub-faced Jennifer Connelly.
  6. Before I got fired I was gnawing at the edges of my expressiveness or my brazenness.
  7. She channeled that new expressiveness toward a solution: writing a followup to the Harrises in early 2009.
  8. Moreover, by the time he reaches college it is too late to teach him even common, idiomatic expressiveness.
  9. Not vitality merely, but a wonderful sort of expressiveness—it is the mood of all their work.
  10. It is to be regretted that dramatic singers of this day pay so little attention to purely tonal expressiveness.
  11. Baron broke out, with a sudden expressiveness which made his voice, as it fell upon his ear, strike him as the voice of another.
  12. He is impelled to an expressiveness of voice, manner and action that often looks like pretence to less impulsive people.