evolutionism / ˌɛv əˈlu ʃə nɪst or, especially British, ˌi və- /


evolutionism2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who believes in or supports a theory of evolution, especially in biology.
  2. a person who supports a policy of gradual growth or development rather than sudden change or expansion.
adj. 形容词 adjective

Also ev·o·lu·tion·is·tic.

  1. of or relating to evolution or evolutionists.
  2. believing in or supporting a theory of evolution, especially in biology.

evolutionism 近义词


等同于 natural selection


等同于 survival of the fittest


  1. He is, however, sadly self-contradictory and his evolutionism weakens in subsequent editions—the only ones that Darwin saw.
  2. Evolutionism and systematism are opposing tendencies which can never be absolutely harmonised one with the other.
  3. For ancient Calvinism and modern Evolutionism are essentially the same things.
  4. This kind of evolutionism is not only helpless before the task of accounting for it, but logically excludes the possibility of it.
  5. The predominant interest of evolutionism is in the question of human destiny, or at least of the destiny of Life.