everywheres / ˈɛv riˌʰwɛərz, -ˌwɛərz /


everywheres 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb


  1. a nonstandard variant of everywhere.

everywheres 近义词


等同于 anyplace


等同于 anywhere


  1. The woods was full of teams and wagons, hitched everywheres, feeding out of the wagon-troughs and stomping to keep off the flies.
  2. I was there once, in the Centennial, and it was so full everywheres.
  3. I meanter-say, I shall hav to resign if I'm drafted everywheres I've bin inrold.
  4. The streets don't lead anywheres in partic'ler, but everywheres in gin'ral.
  5. The suit, with pictures of the leadin' characters and the lawyers and all, had been spread-eagled in the papers everywheres.