everyway / ˈɛv riˌweɪ /


everyway 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. in every way; in every direction, manner, or respect: They tried everyway to find the information.

everyway 近义词


等同于 every which way


  1. But I hit upon a pretty good yarn,—worked out well everyway.
  2. A path ran along and there was a low wall, with lizards darting everyway in the sun.
  3. Then he is taller, but lighter--has more colour--is so much younger--and everyway so different, I wonder you think so.
  4. The vessels possessed by the Northmen were everyway adapted for an ocean voyage.
  5. She pointed all round for everybody, with all ten fingers spread everyway.