everglade / ˈɛv ərˌgleɪd /


everglade 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a tract of low, swampy land, especially in southern Florida, characterized by clumps of tall grass and numerous branching waterways.

everglade 近义词


等同于 quag


等同于 slough


等同于 swampland


等同于 marsh


等同于 swamp


等同于 marshland


等同于 muskeg


  1. I know it can't go through to our bay, but it must lead up to the Everglade country where the mangroves won't be so bad.
  2. It is in this watery prairie and Everglade region that we find the immediate environment of most of the Seminole Indians.
  3. It was rather a restless night in Orangeade, and all were astir early, for they wanted to be at the Everglade camp by daylight.
  4. Tom was taken to the Everglade camp, which explains why the calls of the girls did not reach him.
  5. Then she was not altogether insane, for there were many campers at Everglade.