eupatrid 的定义
plural eu·pat·ri·dae [yoo-pa-tri-dee]. /yuˈpæ trɪˌdi/.
- one of the hereditary aristocrats of ancient Athens and other states of Greece, who at one time formed the ruling class.
- It is not probable that the Eupatrid families were all autochthonous, even in the loose sense of that term.
- It is clear that the executive power in the state (see Archon) was still vested in the Eupatrid class.
- Between the Eupatrid oligarchy and the rule of Peisistratus there comes the timocracy of Solon.
- His father, though connected with the priestly and high-born house of the Lycomedae, was not himself a Eupatrid.
- To that eupatrid, joined before with himself, was now intrusted the command of the Grecian fleet.