eupatrid / yuˈpæ trɪd, ˈyu pə- /


eupatrid 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural eu·pat·ri·dae [yoo-pa-tri-dee]. /yuˈpæ trɪˌdi/.

  1. one of the hereditary aristocrats of ancient Athens and other states of Greece, who at one time formed the ruling class.


  1. It is not probable that the Eupatrid families were all autochthonous, even in the loose sense of that term.
  2. It is clear that the executive power in the state (see Archon) was still vested in the Eupatrid class.
  3. Between the Eupatrid oligarchy and the rule of Peisistratus there comes the timocracy of Solon.
  4. His father, though connected with the priestly and high-born house of the Lycomedae, was not himself a Eupatrid.
  5. To that eupatrid, joined before with himself, was now intrusted the command of the Grecian fleet.