establishing 的定义
- to found, institute, build, or bring into being on a firm or stable basis: to establish a university; to establish a medical practice.
- to install or settle in a position, place, business, etc.: to establish one's child in business.
- to show to be valid or true; prove: to establish the facts of the matter.
- to cause to be accepted or recognized: to establish a custom; She established herself as a leading surgeon.
- to bring about permanently: to establish order.
- to enact, appoint, or ordain for permanence, as a law; fix unalterably.
- to make a national or state institution.
- Cards. to obtain control of so that one can win all the subsequent tricks in it.
establishing 近义词
the act of founding
the act of proving
establishing 的近义词 7 个
establishing 的反义词 2 个
- That’s why, when I established this 3D lab initiative five years ago, I decided not to create a new organization with the boss that would perform innovation.
- A difference of more than a foot and a half means the world to a post scorer like Ayton, who is already better at establishing position close to the basket than the players Paul has been feeding.
- Once a count has been established, we open each envelope and individually examine the contents.
- It’s the realization of plans established long ago by Vashee, who fell in love with venture years early on and has always known he wanted to return to it, though he wasn’t sure when or where that night happen.
- If humans ever want to take the unprecedented step of establishing a base on the Moon, Mars, or any other celestial destination, they may need to extract resources from local rocks to support themselves.
- Lennon casually told some DC friends about it and found there was local interest in establishing Dinner Parties.
- These online communities are establishing familial bonds between strangers.
- The new Secret Six continues that tradition establishing Catman as bisexual.
- Pulling them together is not about establishing a team of rivals, but a team of enemies.
- Dodge has also had something like 20 museum shows and is intent on establishing a museum that would also show his 225 posters.
- Hence it can be seen what hope there is of establishing a flourishing christian church by such evangelists.
- To-day I have stood in the main battery which has fired a shot establishing, in its way, a record in the annals of destruction.
- Aguinaldo had moved on to Calumpit with his main army with the intention of establishing his Government there.
- And if they succeed in establishing their case, the courts will order the removal of the directors.
- The next three months were spent almost entirely in establishing provisional juntas in the different capitals.