equine / ˈi kwaɪn, ˈɛk waɪn /


equine2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or resembling a horse or other member of the horse family: a bold, equine face.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called equid . a horse or other member of the horse family: Her draft horses and mules are some of the finest equines we’ve ever seen.

equine 近义词

n. 名词 noun

hoofed mammal

equine 的近义词 2


  1. Another hollow equine appears to be galloping in right behind the Bieber-shaped one as season two begins.
  2. They have conventions, fansites, equine avatars…the whole nine.
  3. Mislabeled lasagna has sent Europe into a tizzy, but equine protein is really no worse to eat than beef.
  4. Americans are still just as squeamish about eating our equine friends as our cousins across the pond.
  5. Her parents had promised the horse aficionado her very own equine companion when she turned 10.
  6. Bonus points for setting the dancing equine against a My Little Pony backdrop.
  7. By that one trial I had become free, as I may say, of the whole equine species.
  8. The winged horse snorted, and shook with anger, and tried to unseat his rider by every258 trick known to equine ingenuity.
  9. Your enjoyment of the proofs cheers me greatly; and pray thank Mrs. Blackwood for her valuable hints on equine matters.
  10. The same characters are presented in the uniform of cavalrymen, mounted on the fine equine stock of the plantation.
  11. Mr. Hay made a desperate effort to conceal the equine portion with the tails of his coat, but in vain.