episternum 的定义
plural ep·i·ster·na [ep-uh-stur-nuh]. /ˌɛp əˈstɜr nə/.
- Anatomy. manubrium.
- Entomology. the anterior portion of a pleuron.
- The episternum (fig. 30, A, 10) is a thin almost circular plate of cartilage much of which remains hyaline.
- This plate is called the episternum, and its stalk the omosternum.
- In IIIa, the episternum (a) and epimeron (b) are slightly separated.
- Episternum: the anterior and larger lateral thoracic sclerite between the sternum and notum.
- In Man and in the Mole the paired nature of the episternum is clearly apparent.