episternum / ˌɛp əˈstɜr nəm /


episternum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ep·i·ster·na [ep-uh-stur-nuh]. /ˌɛp əˈstɜr nə/.

  1. Anatomy. manubrium.
  2. Entomology. the anterior portion of a pleuron.


  1. The episternum (fig. 30, A, 10) is a thin almost circular plate of cartilage much of which remains hyaline.
  2. This plate is called the episternum, and its stalk the omosternum.
  3. In IIIa, the episternum (a) and epimeron (b) are slightly separated.
  4. Episternum: the anterior and larger lateral thoracic sclerite between the sternum and notum.
  5. In Man and in the Mole the paired nature of the episternum is clearly apparent.