epinephrine / ˌɛp əˈnɛf rɪn, -rin /


epinephrine 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called adrenaline. Biochemistry. a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla upon stimulation by the central nervous system in response to stress, as anger or fear, and acting to increase heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, and carbohydrate metabolism.
  2. Also Trademark, A·dren·al·in [uh-dren-l-in] /əˈdrɛn l ɪn/ .Pharmacology. a commercial form of this substance, extracted from the adrenal glands of sheep and cattle, or synthesized: used chiefly as a heart stimulant, to constrict the blood vessels, and to relax the bronchi in asthma.


  1. It can effectively lower stress hormones, including cortisol and epinephrine, while boosting endorphins.
  2. If you find out you are allergic, carry treatment like an epinephrine auto-injector with you in scorpion country.
  3. Anaphylaxis can be quickly reversed with medicines including epinephrine, which is what was used to treat almost all of the 21 coronavirus vaccine recipients who had severe allergic reactions.
  4. Anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening, requires emergency treatment with epinephrine.
  5. Nineteen of the 21 people were treated with epinephrine and four were hospitalized.