epidote / ˈɛp ɪˌdoʊt /


epidote 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a mineral, calcium aluminum iron silicate, Ca23Si3O12, occurring in green prismatic crystals.


  1. Crystalline epidote, and whitish quartz, apparently from a vein.
  2. Purplish-brown epidote, with small nests or concretions of green epidote and quartz; forming a sort of amygdaloid.
  3. Conglomerate, containing angular fragments of yellowish-grey quartz-rock, in a base of compact epidote.
  4. A nearly uniform greenish compound of epidote intimately mixed with quartz, also occurs at this place.
  5. Whether the colour depends upon epidote, chlorite, or some other substance, we were not able to determine.