enormously / ɪˈnɔr məs /


enormously 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc.; huge; immense: an enormous fortune.
  2. outrageous or atrocious: enormous wickedness; enormous crimes.

enormously 近义词


等同于 vastly


等同于 exceedingly


等同于 greatly


  1. Had it been effective, it would have made an enormous difference in this pandemic.
  2. Any type of business or any type of nonprofit that is a gathering space is — for obvious pandemic-related reasons — facing an enormous challenge of reinvention or getting by with less of a capacity to fulfill that piece of your mission.
  3. Both these fields have seen enormous progress in the last few years, but there has been little cross-pollination between the two.
  4. It’s a huge blow to the astronomy community, which used Arecibo for 57 years to conduct an enormous amount of space and atmospheric research.
  5. Each local region—a self-consistent, relative world—turned out to be the tiny tip of an enormous, four-dimensional iceberg, forever hidden from sight and decidedly not relative.
  6. Not surprisingly, rates for recovery vary enormously, from as low as three percent to upwards of 75 percent.
  7. But events in the Special Administrative Region are enormously important to the Communist Party leadership in Beijing.
  8. I think that the war itself, and the lessons that we can learn from that war, are still enormously relevant.
  9. He gathered 25 masks and put them on display in the small museum, which became enormously popular.
  10. To me, this seemed to be a country that was overflowing with interesting, smart, enormously talented people.
  11. The arousing of the fundamental instincts of these human beings had, indeed, enormously emphasized the animal in them.
  12. Their unsold cargoes on the way in steamers when Manila was blockaded came in for enormously advanced prices.
  13. I have always demanded of you, demanded enormously, and received my measure pressed down and running over.
  14. The experience of the war has enormously increased this sense of social solidarity.
  15. I can't help feeling that the strain of improving myself so enormously would tell on me.