endometrium / ˌɛn doʊˈmi tri əm /


endometrium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural en·do·me·tri·a [en-doh-mee-tree-uh]. /ˌɛn doʊˈmi tri ə/. Anatomy.

  1. the mucous membrane lining the uterus.


  1. Curetting often cures this by removing the diseased endometrium.
  2. When the endometrium is septic or cancerous both ovaries and tubes should be removed.
  3. There is a rare variety of cancer of the corporeal endometrium, namely, that which attacks small atrophic uteri.
  4. The diseased states of the endometrium are many and their exact pathology is still under discussion.
  5. Curetting should follow dilatation, in the hope that the new endometrium formed may afford a better nidus for the ovum.