encomiast / ɛnˈkoʊ miˌæst, -əst /


encomiast 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who utters or writes an encomium; eulogist.


  1. It is one of those few subjects on which an encomiast may expatiate without deviating from the truth.
  2. A man of genius may securely laugh at a mode of attack by which his reviler, in half a century or less, becomes his encomiast.
  3. What this encomiast says in a rhetorical tone was literally true.
  4. Rev. Mr. Pyke, the object of the verses, deserves a better encomiast.
  5. She was evidently beautiful, gifted, and attractive: her flattering Encomiast describes her as of great beauty and wisdom.