ems / (ɛmz) /


ems 的定义

abbr. 缩写 abbreviation
  1. emergency medical service.
  2. Digital Technology.enhanced message service: a system for sending long or formatted text messages, images, music, etc., from one cell phone to another.Compare SMS.
  3. European Monetary System.
  4. express mail service: an international service offered by the postal operators of the Universal Postal Union.


  1. EMS officers were called to the scene and pronounced her dead upon arrival.
  2. And even EMS dispatch vets, generally reluctant to second-guess the work of one of their own, have piled on.
  3. I told the EMS, nurses, and doctor that it was an attempted rape.
  4. To be able to repeat great po-ems at will, is to have a treasure you can allus carry with you while your voice lasts.
  5. His hands seemed to flow back and forth like the tide, and yet he was setting twenty ems eight-point and keeping the machine hung.
  6. We came to the River Ems four miles from the border of Holland.
  7. It was from the king at Ems, and described his interview that morning with the French ambassador.
  8. He could set ten thousand ems a day, and he received pay according to the amount of work done.