elegist / ˈɛl ɪ dʒɪst /


elegist 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the author of an elegy.


  1. Cohen is still our elegist for the ages, even when his song spanned several cultural moments.
  2. From an idyllist and elegist we find him suddenly transformed into an unsparing master of poetical satire.
  3. Callinus of Ephesus, who flourished in the 7th century, is the earliest elegist of whom we possess fragments.
  4. That is the peasant elegist's way of speaking of a sudden death, caused very likely by the chill of nightfall.
  5. The fashion demanded that the elegist be learned in Greek mythology.
  6. Among this group was Bouilhet, the elegist, the poet of moonlight and ruins.