eighteen / ˈeɪˈtin /


eighteen2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a cardinal number, ten plus eight.
  2. a symbol for this number, as 18 or XVIII.
  3. a set of this many persons or things.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. amounting to 18 in number.


  1. So many eighteen-year-old girls,” says Oliona, “breathing down my neck.
  2. In November 1885, the sudden death of her eighteen year-old daughter, Annie, brought Mandelbaum back to New York City.
  3. By 1953, the number of Americans owning their own homes climbed to twenty-five million, up from eighteen million in 1948.
  4. Eighteen years old, and got hit with an IED his first month there.
  5. The Tambora warming of the poles was connected to the sudden flurry in expeditions that you get in the late eighteen-teens.
  6. He was a member of the first provincial congress, and eighteen years lieutenant governor of the state of New York.
  7. He was a boy of eighteen, aching over his first love affair; and she was divinely mothering him.
  8. At this period it brought enormous prices, the finest selling at from fifteen to eighteen shillings per pound.
  9. If the paper is about twelve by eighteen inches this will accommodate moderate examples of most of the fronds.
  10. One day in April the thermometer suddenly rose to eighteen above the freezing-point of Fahrenheit.