egotism 的定义
- excessive and objectionable reference to oneself in conversation or writing; conceit; boastfulness.
- selfishness; self-centeredness; egoism.
egotism 近义词
- Morgan chalked this up to a combination of male pride and egotism.
- For all his egotism and irascibility, Churchill was a good man as well as a great one.
- It also protects the individual against egotism and delusions of grandeur.
- Instead of displaying what would have been, in context, a healthy egotism as the mug fell, Leno looked as vulnerable as a child.
- Success in our politics often requires a voracious, antinomian egotism, a sense that rules are for others.
- As regards money, from the moment I left Russia I have not ceased to reproach myself for my unfeeling egotism.
- Is she more exempt from egotism, does she dislike others less, and has she fewer worldly affections?
- To their last day Jenkins's clients went about, showed themselves, cheated the devouring egotism of the crowd.
- He knew that the old man had no sentiments beyond egotism, and a family pride which mainly, if not entirely, sprang from it.
- Compromise in small or great seemed cowardice, and there was no doubt a strain of egotism in his obstinacy.