eelgrass / ˈilˌgræs, -ˌgrɑs /


eelgrass 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a grasslike marine plant, Zostera marina, having ribbonlike leaves.
  2. tape grass.


  1. I came on wading through eelgrass and water until I reached a sandy beach.
  2. Soon he was in the edge of the eelgrass and "catching crabs," first on one side, then on the other.
  3. Young lobsters have also been found in eelgrass and on sandy bottoms in shallow water.
  4. Then in the eelgrass there was a funny isopod, called Caprella.
  5. Well, 't ain't the fust time I've clutched eelgrass an' tore it from its muddy bottom.