- 看过 educable 的人也看了 :
- docile
- teachable
- trainable
- instructible
educable 的定义
- capable of being educated.
- of or relating to individuals with mild intellectual disabilities who may achieve self-sufficiency.
educable 近义词
able to be taught
educable 的近义词 4 个
- I mean, if they didn't learn that from the 2004 election then they may be un-educable.
- Animals are educable in different degrees; but where they are educable they begin to profit by experience from the first.
- In their stead he has a greater plasticity of nature, and a more educable intelligence.
- The learner could not possibly be educable, that is, susceptible of receiving instruction, unless he were able to think.
- While atavism itself is unquestioned, this method seizes upon rigid physical characters to measure educable qualities.
- But this freak is a very educable creature, as Professor Yerkes has shown.