edger / ˈɛdʒ ər /


edger 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who puts an edge, especially a finishing edge, on a garment, surface, lens, etc.
  2. a machine for finishing or making an edge, as for stitching, beveling, or trimming.
  3. a gardening tool with a rotary blade for cutting a neat border around a lawn, flower bed, or the like.

edger 近义词


等同于 weed whacker

edger 的近义词 1


  1. An edger, Fig. 118, is then run around the outside edges of the block to round them.
  2. Now the work I am doing here is running a gauge edger in a saw mill.
  3. As this became a tiresome task, I constructed an edger, as shown in the sketch.
  4. By stripping the concrete while it is still pliable the edges can be worked down by the ordinary cement sidewalk edger.
  5. A gang edger consists of an arbor driving two or more circular saws, through which the boards to be edged are fed.