eclogite / ˈɛk ləˌdʒaɪt /


eclogite 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a rock consisting of a granular aggregate of green pyroxene and red garnet, often containing kyanite, silvery mica, quartz, and pyrite.


  1. Only diamonds that formed after that date contain specks of eclogite, a rock forged from material dragged down from Earth’s surface.
  2. In another eclogite boulder, diamond was found partly embedded in pyrope.
  3. In the Newlands boulder the diamonds have the appearance of being an original constituent of the eclogite.
  4. On the other hand many tons of the somewhat similar eclogite in the De Beers mine have been crushed and have not yielded diamond.
  5. Some regard the eclogite boulders as derived from deep-seated crystalline rocks, others as concretions in the blue ground.
  6. With omphacite and smaragdite, garnet forms the peculiar rock called eclogite.