eastwardly / ˈist wərd li /


eastwardly2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having an eastward direction or situation.
  2. coming from the east: an eastwardly wind.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. toward the east.
  2. from the east.


  1. In a short time we discovered land at the distance of twenty or thirty miles, in an eastwardly direction.
  2. The Chippewas affirm that this was the last time the buffalo crossed the Mississippi eastwardly.
  3. It extends eastwardly and westwardly, and the "Lion's Head" is first seen as you approach from the eastward.
  4. Proceeding on eastwardly from this anchorage you come to Wasp Bay, at the head of the harbour.
  5. In 1873 he located a hundred miles of the road from Topolobampo eastwardly, and two years ago the construction commenced.