earthman / ˈɜrθˌmæn, -mən /


earthman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural earth·men [urth-men, -muhn]. /ˈɜrθˌmɛn, -mən/.

  1. a human inhabitant or native of the planet Earth.


  1. This Croen race, I realized, was something truly beyond an earthman's understanding.
  2. Then he pointed to the comparatively thin arms of the Earthman, and to his own.
  3. The question of whether he was capable of realizing this tremendous dream or not, the Earthman did not pause to debate.
  4. The Earthman tore his weapon from him and thrust its muzzle against his recent opponent's chest.
  5. An almost ungovernable fury had taken possession of the young Earthman.