durra / ˈdʊər ə /


durra 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a type of grain sorghum with slender stalks, cultivated in Asia and Africa and introduced into the U.S.


  1. The creek and valley of the Durra stream are very beautiful, and the church especially interesting.
  2. He looked at the old mute to see that he was carefully putting away the remnants of a meal of durra bread and curds.
  3. The vessel was wafted into the Durra Creek, and there the pious Normans, as soon as possible, fulfilled their vow.
  4. They made land here, in the Durra Creek, and accordingly the church was built at the place where they set foot.
  5. The Egyptians 466 used for their bread, wheat, spelt, barley and durra (sorghum).