dura / ˈdʊər ə, ˈdyʊər ə /


dura 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. The weapon proved to be a Dura Edge model that Imperial King has not manufactured since 2004.
  2. In the incident, 12-year-old Muhammad Al-Dura was reportedly shot and killed by Israeli forces while cowering behind his father.
  3. From the description, Secretary Clinton has a subdural hematoma, a collection of blood under the dura mater.
  4. The dura mater should be carefully protected from injury as well as the pin.
  5. Nearly two centuries later Baglivi advanced a theory which referred vital movement to the heart and the dura mater.
  6. At the moment when the strongest convulsion took place, she cried, "Ah, che dura!"
  7. Cette phrase dura un quart d'heure, sans qu'il pt en sortir.
  8. It may still sometimes be a necessity, a dura lex, an ultima ratio, but it is always a monstrous calamity.