dungaree / ˌdʌŋ gəˈri /


dungaree 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. dungarees, work clothes, overalls, etc., of blue denim.blue jeans.
  2. blue denim.

dungaree 近义词

n. 名词 noun

blue jeans

dungaree 的近义词 4


  1. He is an old, grizzled man dressed in dungaree pants, a sweater, and a woolen cap with ear flaps.
  2. He quite forgot the fact that his dungaree jumper was wet with sweat, that his cap was already fouled with oil.
  3. He was a dungaree-clad greaser in an engine-room, and he was promptly ordered back with the rest of his crew.
  4. She was clad in a blue dungaree habit and straw sun-hat, and he marveled at the ravishing picture she made.
  5. Tresler drew a step nearer, and stood so close to her that her dungaree skirt was almost touching him.