duh / dʌ; often pronounced with a dentalized d /


duh 的定义

interj. 感叹词 interjection
  1. Compare doh.


  1. She sees the error of her ways and plants a kiss on his nerdy, astronomy-obsessed brother, Neil (like Neil Armstrong, duh).
  2. Teens consume energy drinks so they can feel focused and energized (duh).
  3. They put him on the cover with the word “Duh” right next to his face.
  4. “It was on Yahoo,” dad says, in the “like-duh” tone of his teenage sons.
  5. But while the 'Girls' star showed off her body (duh), she could've showed a bit more range.
  6. Swan, dúhwisch-scha (the whole run together; duh long and with emphasis; sch very short).
  7. The word is derived from the root duh, to milk, since this was the girl's business in a pastoral family.
  8. He disappeared in the hallway, calling back: "My duh Pottuh, good-night!"