dubiety / duˈbaɪ ɪ ti, dyu- /


dubiety 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural du·bi·e·ties.

  1. doubtfulness; doubt.
  2. a matter of doubt.

dubiety 近义词

n. 名词 noun


dubiety 的近义词 5
dubiety 的反义词 1


  1. There was no dubiety about the verdict of the Nationalist organizations opposed to Mr. Redmond.
  2. And successively fall on to support Mannstein, as the one clear point in such dubiety.
  3. Timeous and dubiety are bad, simply as not authorized by any but local usage.
  4. David was now firmly convinced that he had once been wrecked on an island, while Oliver passed his days in dubiety.
  5. Some deep-seated inner spirit of dubiety began to grope about and question and challenge.