drop-dead / ˈdrɒpˌdɛd /


drop-dead 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. inspiring awe, astonishment, or envy: a drop-dead guest list; a drop-dead sable coat.
  2. being the most extreme limit or possibility: What's the drop-dead date for handing in term papers? That is our drop-dead offer.

drop-dead 近义词


等同于 gorgeous


  1. The cartoonist, better known as Charb, was shot dead Wednesday.
  2. A policewoman was shot dead this morning while law enforcement searched for the Charlie Lebdo killers.
  3. Absent a body, no one can say with absolute certainty whether Castro is dead, even if all signs point in that direction.
  4. During an emergency that ratio could be allowed to drop to 8.5 people per orbit.
  5. But with the pipeline, transportation costs drop and production would be higher.
  6. A little boy of four was moved to passionate grief at the sight of a dead dog taken from a pond.
  7. Before he could finish the sentence the Hole-keeper said snappishly, "Well, drop out again—quick!"
  8. When he plays a sonata it is as if the composition rose from the dead and stood transfigured before you.
  9. To-day I'm more dead than alive, as we had a lesson from him yesterday that lasted four hours.
  10. It is a fearsome thing for a man to be left alone in the dead of night with a young baby.