draughtsman / ˈdræfts mən, ˈdrɑfts- /


draughtsman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural draughts·men.British.

  1. a checker, as used in the game of checkers.
  2. draftsman.


  1. The draughtsman of this dignified little Act it is clear was greatly addicted to capitals.
  2. In an army thoroughly disorganised a good draughtsman with an eye for country was no despicable asset.
  3. This drawing touches the highest level of the draughtsman's art and demonstrates the unique power of the pencil in a master hand.
  4. The stone is, however, decayed, and it is possible that it is the draughtsman who has blundered.
  5. Surely, it has been confidently argued, this draughtsman must be no other than the true Finiguerra himself.