draff / dræf /


draff 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. dregs, as in a brewing process; lees; refuse.

draff 近义词


等同于 swill


等同于 dregs


  1. Tyrwhitt and Bell print drafty, explained by full of draff or refuse.
  2. Draff, draf, n. dregs: the refuse of malt that has been brewed from.
  3. They are the draff and offal of a bygone age, and we will not have them obtruded here.
  4. "Guid faith, it's a true sayin, 'The fat sow gets a' the draff,'" rejoined Janet.
  5. This promontory seemed to serve as an appendix for the draff of the neighborhood's rubbish.