drabble 的定义
drab·bled, drab·bling.
- to draggle; make or become wet and dirty.
- Margaret Drabble's new memoir, The Pattern in the Carpet , has just been published.
- The novelist and critic, Margaret Drabble rescues Bennett this week from the worst of the charges against him.
- Miss Darrell had once begged very humbly that her cook Parker might take a lesson from her, but Mrs. Drabble refused point-blank.
- There was a drabble of dead leaves on the sidewalk which was of wood, and on the roadway which was of macadam and stiff mud.
- There was a wall between Cleg and the Drabble, a wall with a place for your toes.
- After that the Drabble, an it liked him, might steal all the collars in the Pleasance.
- The Drabble had a reason, or at least an excuse, for being on the spot.