downtime / ˈdaʊnˌtaɪm /


downtime 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a time during a regular working period when an employee is not actively productive.
  2. an interval during which a machine is not productive, as during repair, malfunction, maintenance.

downtime 近义词

n. 名词 noun

time during which an activity is stopped


  1. Developers are signing on to contribute to open-source communities and virtual hackathons during their downtime, using their skills to create a more sustainable world.
  2. The intent is to stop thinking of downtime as inherently bad, and to not require the constant distraction of your phone or computer.
  3. The company said its workers make an average of $22 an hour nationwide when not counting this downtime.
  4. They need downtime, have relationships and have their own emotional needs too.
  5. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame co-inductee has used some of the quarantine downtime to focus on humanitarian work via his “Music Is Unity” Foundation.
  6. Presidents have always needed downtime to recharge to face the next crisis.
  7. Is it becoming part of the SNL contract that you do voices for this show in your downtime?
  8. When we were having downtime and back at the hotel, I just slept a lot.
  9. Did you two engage in any hobbies or games together in your downtime?
  10. A new procedure for hysterectomies, done via robotic arm via a single incision, results in no scarring and little downtime.
  11. Only the card reader has had any downtime of consequence, and modifications seem to have resolved its problems.