dopiness / ˈdoʊ pi /


dopiness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

dop·i·er, dop·i·est.Informal.

  1. stupid; inane: It was rather dopey of him to lock himself out.
  2. sluggish or befuddled from or as from the use of narcotics or alcohol.

dopiness 近义词


等同于 dumbness


  1. James Franco is a very intelligent man, but his Harry Osborne was a little bit dopey.
  2. I wouldn't call Pippa, "really badly dressed" as much as just ... dopey.
  3. For fear of sounding like the stereotypically dopey surfer, it was an insane barrel.
  4. While the camera pans towards him in the hallway, along the wall is an image of Dopey from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
  5. In fact, heads have already started to roll right out of the Team Disney building and onto Dopey Drive in Burbank.
  6. He musta been a pretty smart guy to know how to handle all those things, even if he was kinda dopey about other things.
  7. At first the pony was very groggy and dopey, but as his head cleared he started to struggle.
  8. They saw Dopey Charlie advancing upon the Kid, a knife in his hand.
  9. Briefly he told of the attack upon him, of his shooting of Dopey Charlie, of the flight and pursuit.
  10. In the hand of Dopey Charlie gleamed a bit of shiny steel and in his heart were fear and greed.