“That’s what’s exposing people to the hosts and the carriers of these viruses,” said Dobson.
In one paper published in the journal Science in 2020, Dobson reported that when more than 25 percent of original forest cover is lost, it’s much more likely for humans and their livestock to come into contact with wildlife that may carry diseases.
People who live in hot spots, for example in southern China, “should put more pressure on politicians to address these mechanisms,” Dobson said.
“The biggest scientific problem of this century is understanding how natural ecosystems work,” Dobson said.
Dr. James Dobson (“Family Talk” radio show and ministry) 82.
Where is Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, who gave a full-throated defense of Gibson after that 2006 incident?
Jerry Falwell died in 2007, and last month, Dr. James C. Dobson left Focus on the Family, which he had led since 1977.
A few months later, Dobson endorsed their candidate for president, Howard Phillips.
He freely admitted to a Wall Street Journal reporter that the principal difference between him and Dobson is “a matter of tone.”
"I'll take charge of this, Captain Dobson," he brusquely informed the red-faced numskull.
Dobson, mouth agape, struck a little bell on the desk and the orderly stepped in from the outer room.
He quarrelled with and fought a man named Dobson, who died in Greenwich Hospital some years since.
Some people, called Dobson, who lived only a few doors from the Morrises, had a fine bay mare and a little colt called Sam.
The first time I saw her was at Rufa's wedding; and don't you remember the evening we spent at Mrs. Dobson's?