diverticulum 的定义
plural di·ver·tic·u·la [dahy-ver-tik-yuh-luh]. /ˌdaɪ vərˈtɪk yə lə/. Anatomy.
- a blind, tubular sac or process branching off from a canal or cavity, especially an abnormal, saclike herniation of the mucosal layer through the muscular wall of the colon.
- Cross section through the base of the proboscis showing diverticulum wall and proboscis gland.
- To these may be added, according to Kupffer, in the embryonic stage, the anterior diverticulum of the gut (Fig. 166).
- Section through the point of junction of the salivary ducts with the median oral diverticulum.
- At this or some earlier period, the intestine gave forth a much larger diverticulum or cæcum than that now existing.
- More ventrally another slight diverticulum probably represents the infundibulum.