dite / daɪt /


dite 的定义

n. 名词 noun

British Dialect.

  1. a bit: I don't care a dite.


  1. Relation de la campagne de 1815, dite de Waterloo, pour servir l'histoire du Marchal Ney.
  2. Gloaming had stolen into the valley when Dite Deuchars, of Tilliedrum, rose to his feet and deliberately spat upon the coffin.
  3. The leading poet in a club of poets was Dite Walls, who kept a school when there were scholars and weaved when there were none.
  4. If it's 'is child, and 'e wants it, let 'im py for it, and interest ep ter dite.
  5. Octavie L., dite Carry, was the daughter of an organist who had held a good position at one of the principal churches of Malines.