ditcher / ˈdɪtʃ ər /


ditcher 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who digs ditches.
  2. a person who ditches.
  3. ditchdigger.


  1. A couple of foggers and milkers, a hedger and ditcher, two or three women at times, and there is the end.
  2. But this restless Proteus masqueraded through a score of other characters—as seedsman, harvester, hedger and ditcher, etc.
  3. As the carpentering business was not going well he would turn day-laborer, be a mason's hodman, ditcher, break stones on the road.
  4. We have tried to transform a poet into a mechanic, a blacksmith into an artist, and an astronomer into a ditcher.
  5. Any comparison between the material comfort of a Kentucky slave and an English ditcher and delver would be preposterous.