disarmament / dɪsˈɑr mə mənt /


disarmament 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act or an instance of disarming.
  2. the reduction or limitation of the size, equipment, armament, etc., of the army, navy, or air force of a country.

disarmament 近义词

n. 名词 noun

reduction of weapons


  1. Overnight, the United States swung from disarmament to rearmament.
  2. When I was in Japan two years ago, at least one media outlet referred to me as a “disarmament activist.”
  3. Doyle said he is not certain where he will end up, though he plans to continue to work on nonproliferation and disarmament issues.
  4. Under the accord, the OSCE is tasked with overseeing the disarmament of militants and their evacuation from occupied buildings.
  5. “Trust but verify,” as Ronald Reagan once said while negotiating disarmament with the Russians.
  6. The breakthrough conversations about nuclear disarmament led to more relaxed interactions across the board.
  7. The disarmament is universally considered the first step to an amicable settlement.
  8. France, by clinging obstinately to her desire for revenge, opposes disarmament.
  9. It seemed that they must have agreed upon disarmament before the drinking began.
  10. Does this tend to universal peace, general disarmament, and treaties of permanent arbitration?
  11. The disarmament of the modern world is the dream of an unbalanced mind.