dirl / dɪrl, dɜrl /


dirl 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb


  1. to vibrate; shake.


  1. Before your jottering finger could find the trigger, the hilt would dirl on your breast-bane.
  2. Catriona, spinning fast—with the low dirl of the wheel acting as a sort of accompaniment to her voice—told the story.
  3. Lola saw bad boy Batster under dray bid tree fluttin' wif dray bid dirl.
  4. Hopkins kissed the baby, and I got my hug, and another to take to my "ittle dirl," and Mrs. Hopkins held out both her hands to me.
  5. "'Ittle dog done, 'ittle dirl tome; me 'ove 'ittle dog, me 'ove 'ittle dirl," was Zach's grave remark.