Aeronautics. the angle at which the right and left wings or the halves of any other horizontal surface of an airplane or the like are inclined upward or downward.
A tetrahedron contains six “dihedral” angles formed along the edges where pairs of faces meet.
Pairs of faces meet along edges to create “dihedral” angles, of which a tetrahedron has six.
In determining the center of gravity, the bird was frozen in the soaring position, its wings making a dihedral angle of 150.
In order to secure the longitudinal dihedral, the angle of incidence has to be very much decreased towards the wing-tips.
It is now, I hope, clear to the reader that the lateral dihedral is not quite so effective as would appear at first sight.
This feature is still to be found in many aeroplanes to-day and has come to be known as the 'dihedral.'
The crystals of citric acid are oblique prisms with four faces, terminated by dihedral summits, inclined at acute angles.